This young woman met with Dr. Garrett Griffin to discuss revision rhinoplasty. She had had two prior nasal surgeries with a different surgeon at the VA hospital and was left with a deformed appearance and nasal congestion. Dr. Griffin offered her revision rhinoplasty with a cadaver rib graft. Usually during a person’s first rhinoplasty, cartilage is borrowed from the septum to help reshape the nose. Thus, if a revision is required, another source of cartilage may be necessary. Options include a person’s own rib or ear cartilage, or a cadaver rib cartilage. Cadaver rib cartilage has been extensively studied and performs as well as a person’s own rib cartilage. After surgery, her nasal symmetry is much improved, she can breathe better, and she is very happy.
Rhinoplasty Before & After Photos
View before and after photos of surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeons Dr. Christopher Tolan, Dr. Garrett Griffin, Dr. Zachary Farhood, Dr. Sebastian Sciegienka and Dr. Anna Bakeman in Minneapolis, MN.