Facial Implants/Chin Augmentation Before & After Photos

View before and after photos of surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeons Dr. Christopher Tolan, Dr. Garrett Griffin, Dr. Zachary Farhood, Dr. Sebastian Sciegienka and Dr. Anna Bakeman in Minneapolis, MN.

Patient #3068

This patient came to our clinic for a consultation with Dr. Chris Tolan, because she was experiencing persistent breathing difficulties after a prior nasal surgery. She also disliked how small her chin was, and desired a more harmonious relationship between her nose and chin, with the rest of her face.

Chin augmentation, or mentoplasty, can be used to make a weak chin more prominent. A small chin can make the nose seem disproportionately large, creating an imbalanced appearance. For this reason, chin augmentation is often done in conjunction with rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping.

She is so pleased with her natural-looking results, and she loves being able to breathe without difficulty!

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