Midwest Facial Plastic Surgery

Conveniently Located to Serve Minneapolis-St. Paul and Washington County

Understanding Different Types of Facelift Techniques

Graphic lines shows face lifting effect on young female face

Facelifts are one of the most popular facial rejuvenation techniques available today, primarily because the procedure enhances the patient’s appearance and achieves a more youthful look. There are several types of facelifts, each designed to target specific areas of the face and suit different patient needs. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the various facelift techniques, discuss how facelifts can look natural, and help you understand which procedure might be the best fit for you.

Types of Facelift Techniques

Traditional Facelift

A traditional facelift addresses moderate to severe facial skin laxity. In this procedure, the facial muscles are repositioned and tightened.

Excess skin is also removed and facial fat is redistributed. This type of facelift can rejuvenate the mid to lower face and neck.

Mini Facelift

A mini facelift targets mild to moderate sagging of the lower face. It involves smaller incisions and is less invasive than a traditional facelift. This allows a shorter recovery time for the procedure. 

This procedure is highly recommended for patients who have specific concerns about the lower face and are looking for a more subtle enhancement.

SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) or Standard Facelift

An SMAS or standard facelift focuses on the layer of tissue beneath the skin and fat. This layer, also known as SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) is tightened and lifted to improve facial contours and reduce sagging. 

The SMAS facelift provides long-lasting results and can address issues in the lower face and neck.

Deep Plane Facelift

The deep plane facelift goes deeper than the SMAS lift. In this procedure, the entire facial structure is repositioned rather than just tightening the skin and superficial layers. 

This method is particularly effective for patients with significant facial sagging and those seeking dramatic yet natural-looking results.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

Ideal candidates for a facelift are individuals who have noticeable signs of aging on the face. It is also important to have some skin elasticity to achieve the best results. 

Since all types of facelift procedures are invasive and require moderate downtime, candidates must be nonsmokers. Smoking slows down the healing process and can reverse the effects of the procedure.

Factors such as overall health, skin condition, and realistic expectations are also important. A consultation with our board-certified surgeons, Drs. Tolan, Griffin, Farhood, and Bakeman, can help determine your eligibility for a facelift.

Which Type of Facelift Is Right For Me?

Choosing the right type of facelift depends on several factors, including your goals, degree of facial aging, and personal preferences. 

For mild signs of aging, a mini facelift might be suitable.

If you’re experiencing moderate to severe sagging, a traditional facelift or SMAS facelift could be more appropriate.

Patients seeking correction for significant sagging throughout the face may benefit more from a deep plane facelift.

Schedule Your Consultation

Learn more about facelifts and their different types by booking your consultation at Midwest Facial Plastic Surgery. Our board-certified plastic surgeons assess your facial anatomy, listen to your concerns, and recommend the facelift technique that aligns with your appearance goals.