Facelift Before & After Photos

View before and after photos of surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeons Dr. Christopher Tolan, Dr. Garrett Griffin, Dr. Zachary Farhood and Dr. Anna Bakeman in Minneapolis, MN.

Patient #3074

This 59-year-old patient came in for a consultation with Dr. Tolan to discuss both surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation options. The main areas that bothered her were her jowl and neck region. After discussing all options, she decided to undergo a face lift. The face lift procedure takes 3-6 hours (depending on anatomy and age) under general anesthesia, and recovery is 10-14 days – with optimal results at 3-4 weeks.

As we age, our face goes from being heart-shaped to becoming more rectangular. We lose fat and bone, and our skin becomes less resilient. A facelift procedure is designed to improve the shape and youthfulness of your face by addressing the lower 2/3 of the face. You’ll see dramatic improvement with jowling, a tighter jawline and neck.

Dr. Tolan repositioned and removed excess skin and tightened her platysma muscles. Her after photos showcase smoothing and tightening of the neckline, tightening of the jawline and an overall lift to the lower face, as well as smoothing of wrinkles!

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